An $8 cooking assistant featuring the famed tv chef Jamie Oliver. Only the second male I've ever known of to carry the name Jamie.
This app features over 60 of chef Oliver's quickest meals, and they better be delicious. Step by step instructions with full color (welcome to the 20th century) images for the reading impaired. If its moving pictures you need to be able to cook, then Jamie has you covered there too. There is an additional 80 MB of video to download to your device. There are already some 21 videos all featuring Jamie telling us what to do in the kitchen and how he does it better than you.
And what famous chef could live without pushing their "favorite" cooking instruments onto their own loyal and adoring fans? Not Jamie Oliver, he pushes them all over your face in this app.
As an added bonus to this cooking assistant you'll also have access to a shopping list where you can add needed ingredients and sort by recipe or store aisle. This is a very nice addition for people who want both of these things. Plus, its free today. A huge savings for Android users.
Jamie Oliver 20 Minute Meals -