Thursday, November 17, 2011

FREE music from new Google Music Store

written by: Nick Kosmides

So, just in case you've been in the dark about all things Google Music today and yesterday, Google Music has been updated.  Both the app and the web store now see 'Music' in addition to everything previously available.  Maybe some Android Market app users haven't been updated yet, but very very soon.

As part of a Free [media] A Day initiative, Google Music swings right into things with free music to entice all to reconsider where you shop for tunes.  While iTunes has also been offering free tracks everyday, Google Music has gone ahead and made an entire album free today.

Today's Free Song of the Day is David Bowie's "Sound and Vision" from the 1977 album "Low".

Larger than that is a new live Pearl Jam album that has been released this month exclusively for Google Music.  Free right now, the Pearl Jam 9.11.11 album was recorded during their live performance at the Air Canada Centre and features 29 tracks.  The last of which is a Neil Young cover with a surprise guitar appearance from the man himself.

Jump into the Android Market and grab all the free stuff you can, starting with this live - free - exclusive Pearl Jam tribute performance to the 10th anniversary of the tragic events that took place during 9/11.

Pearl Jam 9.11.11 - FREE

UPDATE: You can also find a live album from Dave Matthew's Band Irving Plaza, New York, NY March 26th, 1994 for FREE.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Amazon's Free App of the Day - Bejeweled 2

written by: Nick Kosmides

Rejoice for the time has come for all Android users to get Bejeweled 2 for free today.  At least most Android users will be able to actually play it as some Droid Bionic owners aren't so lucky.

I can tell you that being on Verizon and having two different but same versions of Bejeweled 2 in the Android Market is not fun and games.  While the one for everyone else would go on sale for $0.99, the Verizon version was never on sale.  Amazon has come to the rescue and while we are exhaustingly appreciative, it still feels like something is missing.

When I started up the game in totally elation I was immediately reduced to feeling cheated.  The music reminded me of the 80s for some reason while the Main Menu reminded me that EA now feels Android users don't know anything about Bejeweled 2 and the fact that it is uber-upgraded on iOS with awesome online enabled Blitz mode.

This short sighted mishap is unacceptable to a majority of users included this one.  So until this game is finally updated AND Bejeweled 3 is finally released, then and only then will me and the rest of the majority smart phone population be satisfied with a little monopoly called Electronic Arts.  Sorry to my friends who work there, we'll have lunch before the holidays.

Bejeweled 2 - $2.99 FREE

Monday, November 14, 2011

Circle Us On Google Plus

written by: Nick Kosmides

Rhymes are definitely my thing.  Google+ Pages has one more going for it, Android News and Views.  Use the link below to find it and circle it to stay up to date on at least a few more Android related news.  Although this is a one-man show, every show needs an audience.

Spread the word.

Google+ Page link...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Amazon's Free App of the Day - Shift

written by: Nick Kosmides

Shift, a puzzle platformer, is available for free today from the Amazon Appstore.  And you can be sure to expect a solid game when you load it up.  One of my current favorite Minis on the PlayStation Minis platform for PS3/PSP, this little Android gem has slick black and white visuals and an addictive level flipping mechanic that may throw you for a loop.

Upon first boot, you will find a shallow menu that makes getting into the game nice and fast.  The first few levels are there to help you understand the mechanics of the game, the usual tutorial fare.  But what really sucks you in is how the game uses all the elements, seemingly so few, but when sandwiched into one level and placed under a time limit things begin to turn upside down.

The visuals, though black and white, are striking with smooth lines.  Platforming trademarks like the run and the jump are all present.  But wait until you meet the spikes.  It'll bring true color to your life, I mean the end of your life.  If you are one of those literal types, I'm talking about your character.

Head over to the Amazon Appstore for Android to grab this most amazing game.  One of my top ten favorite games.

Shift - $1.99 FREE

Friday, November 11, 2011

Amazon's Free App of the Day - Let's Bowl Deluxe

written by: Nick Kosmides

Let's Bowl Deluxe can be downloaded free today from the Amazon Appstore for Android.

This app is a great example of why the Amazon Appstore is such a long shot when it comes to actually helping developers with their bottom line.  With reviews on the Android Market for the same Deluxe version averaging a score of 4.4 with most reviewers saying its great or only complaining about the dev not responding for a minute.  Amazon offers only the Deluxe version and no free with ads version as of this writing, its new to the Appstore, and people are ripping into the game expecting it to play like the real thing.

On one hand, you can't blame them since the very first sentence in the description says "Not enough time (or cash) to hit the lanes? No problem... This alley never closes." If that doesn't make you feel like you're downloading an authentic bowling experience then maybe this will. "Just like in real bowling, with this game it's all in the wrist."

The reality is there is no weight to the balls and no spinning the ball.  Line up your shot, then flick up.  You may throw it hard or "granny" style, with harder throws potentially leading to wild shots.  That's about as real as it gets.  But this hasn't stopped peeps on the Android Market from enjoying the game.  Which brings back up another difference between the Android Market and the Amazon Appstore for Android.  The reviewers are much much harsher on Amazon.  Its hard to tell who is being honest though, with Amazon requiring reviews consist of a minimum of 20 characters sort of forcing people to write something meaningful.

More interesting still is the sheer number of other bowling app options in both markets.  Amazon produces at whopping 21 apps when searching for "bowling".  Can you guess what the Android Market shows?  Try 529!  I'm not about to go through all of them to discover the true number of actually bowling games, minus any card games or other miscellaneous stuff.  One of my favorites though is Doodle Bowling for Android 2.2 and above.  Its fun, mind numbing, time killing fun with skinnable lanes!

Let's Bowl Deluxe - $2.99 FREE