Thursday, June 9, 2011

Amazon's Free App of the Day - Random Mahjong Pro (ad free)

written by: Nick Kosmides

Shall I start by saying I love Mahjong Solitaire, and this is by far the BEST Mahjong game I've ever played.  Not only is it amazing, its free today!

The interface is simple.  This is important and so many other games are so busy and over done.  The color palette is classy and sharp, which makes this a very appealing game to play.  The sounds are simple as well, and perfectly balanced with gameplay.  Try to select a piece not on the edge and see and hear what happens.  Perfection.  You may think I'm going a bit over board, though as long as you have no device issues, you will agree this is sheer perfection.

 I played this thing all night, still can't get enough.  Puzzles are randomly generated but sophisticated and extremely challenging.  I chose Easy at first just because I'm not cocky, even though I'm good.  Got five puzzles in and started failing to solve!  I was blown away.  Tried Medium and couldn't solve the first puzzle.  I eventually did, but they do seem to have only one solution in the Medium difficulty. What's Hard like?!!

Please do not hesitate on this one.  The dev deserves the credit for this masterpiece Mahjong solitaire gem and you deserve the free-ness of it all.

Random Mahjong Pro - $1.99 FREE