At $1.50, Apparatus constructs quite the challenge. Though, today you can get your fix of all things mechanical for free from Amazon.
I sort of see this as a man's puzzle game. As most puzzlers are designed to look pretty with lots of colors and sparkles in the effects, for which PopCap has made a killing, this game barrows from LittleBigPlanet in its simple looks yet sophisticated functionality.
The game has several modes, most of which are not found in mobile games, not even on iPhone and its ocean of options. In the standard play mode you'll be familiar with yet another game using the Angry Birds UI for level selection. Gameplay is straight forward though not simple. Move the moveable pieces around to for a clear path for the little ball to land into the blue basket. Simple enough, until they introduce electricity and all kinds of other physics based tools.
Back on the main menu you'll find two other interesting modes to choose from, Sandbox and Community Levels. Within Sandbox is three more options, Apparatus, Building Challenge and Interactive Challenge. All but Interactive Challenge are actually selectable as of this writing. As you can imagine, both modes start you with clean slates for you to build a level custom to your tastes for you to share in Community Levels.
Community Levels is will take you online where you can find a plethora of custom levels made by people probably more skilled than you. Just tap any level and you'll be presented with a screen shot of their custom level and the option to play it instantly. Amazing premise and not something you see in games these days. I would expect something like this to be used in Angry Birds before a surprisingly amazing game as this.
I love building and constructing and if you do to, definitely do not miss this game at any price!
Apparatus -