Rejoice for the time has come for all Android users to get Bejeweled 2 for free today. At least most Android users will be able to actually play it as some Droid Bionic owners aren't so lucky.
I can tell you that being on Verizon and having two different but same versions of Bejeweled 2 in the Android Market is not fun and games. While the one for everyone else would go on sale for $0.99, the Verizon version was never on sale. Amazon has come to the rescue and while we are exhaustingly appreciative, it still feels like something is missing.
When I started up the game in totally elation I was immediately reduced to feeling cheated. The music reminded me of the 80s for some reason while the Main Menu reminded me that EA now feels Android users don't know anything about Bejeweled 2 and the fact that it is uber-upgraded on iOS with awesome online enabled Blitz mode.
This short sighted mishap is unacceptable to a majority of users included this one. So until this game is finally updated AND Bejeweled 3 is finally released, then and only then will me and the rest of the majority smart phone population be satisfied with a little monopoly called Electronic Arts. Sorry to my friends who work there, we'll have lunch before the holidays.
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