Saturday, April 9, 2011

Amazon's Free App of the Day - X-Construction

written by: Nick Kosmides
X-Construction is free today. This app is a keeper. If you've never played the demo then here's your chance to skip that tradition and go get some free stuff!

The game has you constructing bridges from one side of a gap to the other. The fun comes from the number of possibilities many of the levels allow. Although the challenge lies where only one solution exists. You may find a solution that works, but you'll question you're design and it'll become difficult to resist using a mulligan. If you're the type to just blast through a game of Angry Birds with one or two stars, good luck achieving that with X-Construct.

It has recently been updated with Open Feint leaderboards and I'm personally crossing my fingers for achievements. Go get this game today for free, you will enjoy it. And if you don't than I'll have to... wait, what? I'll save that speech for the day Amazon gives us Guerrilla Bob for free.

X-Construction - $1.49 FREE