Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Amazon Cloud Player gives 5GB free storage

written by: Nick Kosmides

Every want to jump on this cloud bandwagon but didn't have the funds?  Still unsure what its all about?  Well Amazon is at it again introducing people to the latest and greatest technologies while making it refreshing and easy to understand.

The Amazon Cloud Player gives you 5GB of free online storage for you to upload your own tunes currently harboring refuge on your devices, or to store purchased Amazon MP3 tracks.  My weapon of choice will be both, since I personally chose the Amazon MP3 store over Apple's own iTunes due to Amazon's higher bit rate. Dollar for MB its a better deal.

On top of the storage, you can use the cloud to actual play the tracks on your internet connected devices simply by using a web browser or an Android phone.  But be careful as this will tax your mobile data plans if you aren't on one of them mysteriously disappearing unlimited plans. Not to mention what this will do to your battery.

Give it a go and tell me your experiences in the comments below.

Amazon Cloud Player