written by: Nick Kosmides
Wordfeud is one of my favorite apps for Android. It brings Scrabble gameplay to Android better than most all the other apps.
Words With Friends and whatever contenders out there have been struggling to keep up with Wordfeud. Why is that?
Because Wordfeud is quick, smooth, clean and fun. It offers players the ability to connect on Android or iOS. You can create a list of the friends you play the most so you can quickly send them a game invite and chat features are fast and responsive. Where Words With Friends falls flat, Wordfeud has been excelling.
I can't speak more highly of this game, and having tried them all, I feel I know what I'm talking about.
The looks of Wordfeud is the only category where players may differ. I know plenty of female players who aren't too fond of the black and grey hue of the boardgame, whereas the male players may prefer it. Though its safe to assume there are more women than men playing, this could be something where the dev may consider offering skins or a level of customization also not found in any other word games.
Gameplay features are one thing that Wordfeud has been excelling in. For example, the most recent Words With Friends update for Android has FINALLY brought the long desired Shuffle button to the game. Forever, you were required to shake the phone to get the tiles to shuffle. And you can only shake the phone once every 2 seconds. With the Shuffle button you can spam that thing until you scan a word, and PRESTO! Wordfeud has had this Shuffle button since it first hit the Android Market. And the shuffle algorithm is still better than Words With Friends. For some reason, it just works better in moving the letters around to find a word.

Another gameplay feature found in Wordfeud that excels is the ability to play a word, then place your letters for the next word before its your turn again and have them stay there even after closing and reopening the app. As long as your opponent doesn't play their letters where you've placed yours, they will remain for you to simply hit the Play button to play those letters super fast during your next turn. Rinse and repeat, and the games do move a lot faster, and you won't forget that 7 letter word you wanted to play in a specific twisted place on the game board. Words With Friends does not save these placed letters, or the order in which you last left the tiles in your rack. These features are paramount to playing your next word with ease.
If you visit the Amazon Appstore today, and maybe the near future, you'll find that the amazing Wordfeud is on sale for $0.99. A bargain and a steal for the word game enthusiast or someone who wants to just try it out. Also note that there is a
free version with ads, but isn't supporting the developer for a third the price so much nicer!!!
Wordfeud - $2.99 SALE $0.99